Our ToolsBeside the common approches of face-to-face in hall tests, home-use-tests, in-home-interviews,telephone interviews and discussion groups, we are also offering some more innovative approaches like:•Internet-surveys•computer-assisted interviews (CATI, CAPI)•several computer aided conjoint measurement approaches These approaches are revolutionizing the marketing research at the moment. Internet surveys forexample do far better than conventional surveys in some product areas in terms of timing, budget &data quality.Research on methodsUntiedt Research combines its research-services with high quality standards. We invest in thedevelopment of new methods and in the improvement on existing research concepts to hold thesestandards.Online-ResearchSince 1998 Untiedt Research takes a leading position in the area of online research, in Germany. Withour WebPanel, we have one of the biggest German online panel, with more than 70.000 registered andverified testers.