Untiedt Research:Full Service in Market Research & Consulting Online and OfflineUntiedt Research was founded with the target of supporting and easingthe market intelligence of business.We dispose of resources for a full service market research. If necessary,we provide the complete realization of your market research project,beginning with the conception over processing till presentation.You determine the scope of services you need. Sometimes apresentation is not required, so you pay only for services you reallyneed.Market Research - Online and OfflineWe are one of the pioneers of the German online market research anddispose of one of the biggest German market research panels.Nevertheless about the half of our business volume is generated byoffline market research, especially with group discussions, studio testsand telephone surveys. That means, there is no difference in qualitystandards between online and offline market research. The qualitystandards for online research are as high as these for offline marketresearch.As a service provider we concentrate on solving problems as well. Youtell us an information-problem you have, and we will tell you, how to solve it.These solutions consist of:•research design•type of outputs•timing•costsIf you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us. We would be pleased to support you with further information.
NEWS! NEWS! •NEW! Argentina panel - already 10.000 tester in online panel•NEW! Mexico panel - already 8.000 tester in online panel•Representative Home-Use-Test in online panel•CATWI: Telephone combined with online•Our newest panelbook is ready to download